
Annual Lankykats Support Awards

The Standish Unity Club

6 Cross Street




01257 424006




£48, 300

Lankykats Charity Funds Applications (ALSA)

Please submit your support claims by email to:

billyshym@btopenworld.com or in writing c/o Standish Unity Club, Cross Street Standish Wigan WN6 0HQ

Please submit claims on or before the 30th of November for the following calendar year.

Please state clearly the following:

  • Name of charity with a registered charity number
  • Amount you would like to apply for
  • Nature and use of organisation
  • Contact Name and status, organisation address, website, email and contact phone number
  • Provide any additional information to support your claim.

Reciprocal links with logo will be required from a charity website for the www.lankykats.co.uk

A meeting of Lankykats management collective will review and consider the submissions and the results of being allocated an award will be made shortly thereafter.

The funding awards will run from the 1st of January to the 31st of December each year.

New applications are reviewed each Autumn for the following calendar year.

Existing applications can be renewed based on the committee checking the charity’s wish to renew and the criteria which qualifies for an award.

Any award payments are normally made to a valid bank account of the charity via a cheque paid in quarterly increments paid in (March, June, September and December)






Lankykats was conceived as a venue for musicians to meet, get together and play.


When this began on the 30 September 2011  it all started with a scratched together backline of amplification,sound system, drums and mostly donated gear. Over the years we have strived to upgrade this equipment by selling old stock and gradually upgrading with better gear.

This is a continuing work in progress where visiting bands can enjoy performing with state-of-the-art equipment.


The £1 admission fee for all attendee's, a prize raffle draw, and other raised funds are used first and foremost in this capacity.

After this and surplus ammounts are donated to our delegated charities.


All Lankykats volunteers, front room and back room,  together with the visiting bands, donate their talents and time for free.

No one receives any remuneration or cash-in-kind.